North Region:Chantal Biya Revives Bidzar Primary School
- Par Brenda YUFEH,
- 26 nov. 2018 10:46

nHer association, CERAC, also handed gifts to the integrated Health Centre of Bidzar in Mayo-Louti Division last Friday, November 23, 2018.
On November 23, 2018, members of the Circle of Friends of Cameroon (CERAC), in the name of their Founding President and First Lady, Mrs Chantal Biya, UNESCO’s Goodwill Ambassador and UNAIDS Special Ambassador, proceeded to officially handover Government School Bidzar (Groups 1 and 2, and Nursery), modernized and equipped by CERAC. Unveiling the commemorative plaque at the Bidzar school premises was the Personal Representative of Mrs Chantal Biya, Youssouf Hadidja Alim, Minister of Basic Education, and also CERAC’s Delegate for
the North Region. In the presence of several dignitaries of the North Region, the dilapidated Bidzar Primary School, created in 1952, witnessed a new beginning in its history, thanks to CERAC’s goodwill gesture which will undoubtedly contribute to improving the working and learning environment. Mrs Youssouf Hadidja Alim told the pupils of Bidzar Primary School “Your Mom, Chantal Biya, loves you all. That is why she sent CERAC to renovate your school and bring in brand new equipment, modern furniture and other supplies. To strengthen your safety, peace and serenity, she
had a fence built around your school.” She further told the population that the support of the Head of State's Wife, through CERAC, is for everyone in Figuil, a great opportunity to seize and emulate the actions of the First Lady’s association in facilitating the access of all Cameroonian children to quality education, both in the urban and rural areas. Youssouf Hadidja Alim urged the beneficiaries and educational community to preserve the new infrastructures of the school, and to use them in a responsible, profitable and sustainable manner. On behalf of the beneficiaries, Lucresse Ngo Nyem Lontchi, a Clas...
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