EMIA: Excitement and Solemnity

The graduation ceremony of the 36th batch of cadet officers on January 18, 2019 was a moment of communion.

The 174 cadet military officers of the 36th batch of the Combined Armed Services Military Academy (EMIA) baptized “Unity and Diversity” are since Friday, January 18, 2019 ready to be deployed to the field to defend the national territory and contribute in stabilizing the country in insecurity-ridden hot zones. President Paul Biya, Commanderin-Chief of Armed Forces presided over their graduation ceremony at the ceremonial grounds of the Military Headquarters Brigade in Yaounde.

After receiving their epaulets conferring on them various ranks as cadet military officers, some of them expressed satisfaction for the honour given them as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces personally chaired the event and gave the epaulet of the First Student of the batch, Mboum Edinguelle Davy Gildas.

They listened keenly to the speech of the Head of State that was filled with highlights of security context in which they were graduating, their mission, expectations, directives and expressed readiness to get to work to practise the training they received for 36 months at EMIA. The graduation ceremony was in deed a blend of solemnity, excitement and satisfaction on the part of the graduating cadet officers, their parents and loved ones. Solemnity occasionally set in.

This was specifically with President Paul Biya’s arrival at the ceremonial ground characterised by the military rites to the rhythm of the music played by the Band of the Presidential Guard. The solemn march of the aspiring cadet officers to the ceremonial ground , staying on their knees in readiness to be awarded epaulets, the speech of the Head of State, sharing of the wine of honour and group photographs taken with the Commander- in –Chief of ...



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