- Par Shey Peter MABU
- 03 mai 2021 10:25

After their dehumanization by the slave trade, humiliation by colonization, and the disillusionments of post-independence, African nations remain victims of socio-political stress.
Regrettably, some, if not most of the socio-political and economic ills are being perpetrated by those who ought to be giving political independence the meaning it deserves. Worse, former colonists and some unpatriotic nationals mastermind or participate in these socio-political sins that have robbed most African nations of peace and development since the attainment of political independence. What a rape of the poor by the rich!
Nationals that are tempted to seek the alternation of political power through the bullet and not the ballot attribute their misdeeds to the greed of leaders who fall in love with power, and undermine the rationale of peaceful change through free and fair elections. But what a miscarriage of justice to ignore the needs of innocent masses as a result of the misdeeds of a selfish minority! What a shame to ignore the goals of nations in preference to selfish ambitions of unpatriotic politicians! Politics is said to be a game of interest, but those of the nation demand special attention and positive action.
In the 1960s, violent oustings of elected leaders were so common that this almost became a surer means of ensuring the alternation of power in the newly independent nations of Africa. This should not be a scenario of the 21st century. We have accepted democratic governance and must embrace it fully. We need this cleansing of a continent that for decades has been raped by colonialism.
Fortunately, the Organisation of African Unity, (OAU) today African Union, (AU) stood firm against unconstitutional means of changing governments on the African continent. The AU and other organisations are in support of power of the ballot, and not the bullet in political alternation. But can we be proud of any progress considering that some nations on our continent perpetually suffer the painful results of undemocratic oustings, or the growth of extremist groups that kill and destroy without respect for human rights, peace and political stability needed for development? Regrettably, at times this has been masterminded and carried out with the complicity of those who ought to be cooperating with African nations to ensure peace, political stability and, progress.
In the face of all these ills, can the perpetrators of political sadism claim to strive for effective achievement of the U.N. Developmental goals launched in the y...
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