Urban Transport : Taxi Drivers Call Off Strike Action
- Par Brenda YUFEH
- 12 juil. 2021 14:00

This was after a two-day crisis meeting at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security over the weekend.
After a two-day consultation at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security relating to the examination of a general and indefinite strike action initiated by Presidents of the National Unions of Public Transport of Travellers of Cameroon to start today, the trade unionists have decided to suspend the strike order issued on June 10, 2021. At the end of discussions which was presided at by the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Gregoire Owona, it was also agreed that negotiations will continue from July 13, 2021 to reach a concerted tripartite solution in a bid to put an end of the grievances of cab drivers.
The Minister of Labour and Social Security also committed to personally monitor the files containing the problems of taxi drivers in a bid to take steps with the various ministries concerned. The said steps are aimed at a careful examination of the five (05) points raised, which should lead to a satisfactory and enlightened solution to the various claims made by taxi drivers.
According to the National Union President of Bus Drivers, Thomas Tabi Njang, some of the reasons behind the strike action are that bike drivers are insured on a private basis and when they are involved in an accident, they are not taken care of by an insurance company. Another major problem is the increase of insurance fees for taxis from FCFA 40,000 to 66,000. Given the difficult financial times, tax...
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