Higher Education : Diaspora Lauded for Contribution

Through a higher institute of learning set up in Douala, they want to revolutionalise and mordernise education.

Rector of the University of Douala has lauded members of the Diaspora for making significant contribution to Douala through a higher institute of learning in renewable energy, health, ICT and mechanical engineering and through the professionalisation of education initiatives.
Professor Magloire Ondoa, representing the Minister of Higher Education, was speaking during the official launch of the Hanseatic Institute of Technology and Applied Sciences (HITAS) at Bali in Douala on Saturday, July 15, 2022. He said the Diaspora has again by setting up a higher institute of learning proved their love for Cameroon and shown their desire to meaningful contribute to empower young people in Cameroon.
Professor Kamga, President and Founder of Hanseatic Institute of Technology and Applied Sciences, noted that the institute was born at Hanseatic in Germany, where he was also working as an international lawyer with other foreign lecturers. He said the purpose of the creation of HITAS is to revolutionalise and mordernise the sector of university education in Cameroon while building on the European experience for a more adaptable local reality.
Studies by the institute will be carried out with the collaboration of the Cameroonian Engineers and Computer Scientists Association, Came...



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