Philosophy : Inhabitants Called To Cultivate Critical Minds
- Par Brenda YUFEH
- 21 sept. 2022 13:08

A two-day conference, which ended yesterday, September 20, 2022 in Yaounde, honoured the most influential philosopher of science, Sir Karl Raimund Popper.
Some researchers, teachers and PhD students in Yaounde have shared knowledge on the ideologies of the most influential philosopher of science in the twentieth century, Karl Raimund Popper. This was during the second edition of the Philosophy and Science Day organized by Professor Alice Salome Ngah Ateba from September 19-20. Discussions at the conference focused on the theme, “Trial and Error Critical Rationalism,” in homage to Sir Karl Raimund Popper.
The President of the Organising Committee, Dr Philippe Nguemeta, says through the conference, they want to honour the most influential philosopher of science, Karl Raimund who was born on July 28, 1902, in Vienna, Austria and died on September 17, 1994, in Croydon, Great Britain. Dr Nguemeta said he was an Austrian-born British philosopher of natural and social science who subscribed to anti-determinist metaphysics, believing that knowledge evolves from experience of the mind. Sir Karl Popper proposed that a scientific theory could not be proved but could be disproved or falsified. He claimed that “It must be possible for a scientific system to be refuted by experience.”
Dr Philippe Nguemeta revealed that the influential philosopher wrote many books on critical rationalism in which he fights against dogmatism, and stood for an open society. He was not for a closed socie...
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