Yango, Clando, Motor Bikes : Problematic Combination...
- Par Brenda YUFEH
- 23 sept. 2022 12:02

The existence of other transportation means in the town of Yaounde, Douala and elsewhere seems to be creating dispute in the transport sector, particularly among taxi drivers.
Some are currently frowning over alternative transport operators such as “Yango”, clandestine drivers as well as motor bike riders. Taxi drivers’ trade unionists say these operators among other things do not pay the required tax which qualifies them to function as transporters.
Clandestine Transporters
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The fight against clandestine transport vehicles in the country dates many years back. In spite of several campaigns launched by the government to eradicate clandestine transporters in the country, the phenomenon seems to have a stronghold as the business keeps flourishing. Taxi drivers say most of the “Clando” vehicles have assorted colours, lack documents like badges, road worthiness certificates, CEMAC number plates, driver's licenses, windscreen licenses and do not pay the required tax to function as transporters. Several campaigns have been carried out during which some of these vehicles were impounded. But the phenomenon persists. Souleman Njoya, an operator in the Peri-Urban sector says the stigma of being labelled clandestine drivers, motivated them to obtain authorisation to operate within specific locations in the town of Yaounde. As such, they have organised themselves at certain junctions to ply the Yaounde-Soa road, or the Central-Post Office-Mendong neighbourhood. Souleman Njoya says their buses have specific colours and function according to the rules of the union. He, however regrets that some private car owners and other unidentified people still operate out of norms, making the business hard to regulate.
“Yango” is a bone of contention in the transport sector right now. The Russian ride-hailing, delivery and e-grocery service operating in Europe, Africa, Middle East and South America and available via a mobile app known as “Yango” was introduced in Cameroon in 2021. Through the application, any citizen can command a ride from his/her door steps. With the existence of “Yango”, taxi drivers seem not to be happy about the way their business is going. Not only has it reduced the number of customers they now have, it has created an unfavourable competition in terms of transport fare. A customer could hire an ordinary taxi from FCFA 2,000 to 3,000. Meanwhile, hiring “Yango” costs from FCFA 200 to 1,500. Taxi drivers’ further lament that the existence of “Yango” in the transport sector is a major problem especially as there is no official information on the status of “Yango”. But a source at the
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