Presbyterian Church Bastos : Rev. Enow Agbor Inducted Associate Pastor
- Par Brenda YUFEH
- 28 févr. 2023 14:21

This was during a crowd-pulling service at the church premises on February 26, 2023 in Yaounde.
Rev. Enow Michael Agbor has been inducted as the Associate Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Bastos, (PCC Bastos), Yaounde. This was during a crowd-pulling church service on Sunday, February 26, 2023, in which he was officially presented to the congregation by the Presbyterial Secretary of the East Mungo North Presbytery, Rev. Njongai Polycarp Versha. This took place in front of several members of government, dignitaries from the Ossing village in the Manyu Division as well as Presbyterian Christians nationwide.
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During the church service, Rev. Njongai Versha with authority from the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon gave Rev Enow Agbor the right hand of fellowship as he committed him to do his work as a servant of God faithfully and willingly from a real desire to service in the fear of God. He also called on him to preach the word of God without adding or subtracting anything to it as he continues to call all to repent from their sins and to accept Jesus as their saviour and Lord. Rev Enow Agbor was told to visit the sick and afflicted, maintain Christian discipline in the authority of the word of God courageously while not being afraid of people, but of him who is able to destroy both soul and body.
The associate pastor said it was an opportunity for him to be reminded about his calling and ordination vows and to hold on to it so that his services will not be a disappointment to Christians, the church and above all to God. He acknowledged the fact that it is a challenging role, but he will depend on God, through the power of his spirit to accomplish the different task entrusted under his care. “I have no power on my own; I have no strength but a willing spirit to depend on God’s Grace to accomplish my task,” Rev Enow Agbor noted.
During the church service, the Presbyterial Treasurer, Rev Forsuh Bernard, preached under the theme “Overcoming Temptation” while reading from the book of
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