Official Examinations : Working To Boost Success Rates
- Par Brenda YUFEH
- 08 mai 2024 14:23

The educational community is currently putting finishing touches to ensure that results for the 2024 competitive exams are better than those of the previous sessions.
In a few weeks to come, the educational community in Cameroon will begin the series of official examinations for the end of the 2023/2024 academic year nationwide. Millions of pupils for the first time will face the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) or Certificat d'Etudes Primaires (CEP). There are students who will be undertaking the Brevet d'Etudes Premier Cycle (BEPC). Others will write the Probatoire and General Baccalaureate examinations. There are those who will be writing the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary and Advanced levels examinations. The stakes are therefore high for everybody in the educational community. Pressure is mounting especially on students who are obliged to work towards success. Teachers are also not leaving any stone unturned in ensuring that the pass grade improve as compared to previous years.
According to the statistics of the 2023 GCE examinations, there was an overall drop of -3.37%, in the performance of candidates, compared to results of 2022. Statistics further reveal that some 182,249 candidates registered for the exams, 170, 160 of the registered candidates finally sat the exams and some 114,516 candidates passed, giving a percentage pass of 66.88. A total of 54,644 candidates who sat the exams did not make it, as per the official statistics. Compared to percentage pass of 2022, which stood at 70.25, there was a drop of 3.37 per cent. According to the 2023 statistics from the Office du Baccalauréat du Cameroun (OBC), out of a total of 125,008 candidates registered for the session, 94,663 were admitted. This gave an overall pass rate of 75.73 per cent. This indicated an increase in the 2023 results as compared to the 65.95 per cent for 2022. However, the performance in certain regions dropped such as in the Littoral which ranked second in 2022, but dropped below the eighth position. As in the past, the three northern regions were at the bottom of the table. With such statistics, the educational community is currently at the forefront to improve all round performances in the 2024 competitive examinations. Students and teachers are taking special measures not just to have an average pass grade (C), but an “A” grade. There is no time to play. No time for distractions. It is that time parents need to take control of those things that easily distrac...
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