Comoros : President Azali Assoumani Sworn-In

During the Sunday, May 26, 2024 ceremony in the capital Moroni, the President pledged to work for peace and development.

Several months after the tense January 2024 Presidential election, President Azali Assoumani has taken the oath of office. On Sunday, May 26, 2024, in the capital Moroni, the 65-year-old leader in the presence of several Heads of State and government representatives, pledged to maintain peace and put in place strategies aimed at growing the economy at 5% per year. “Disputes after the elections are not a Commorian exception. I thank the Commorians for the renewed trust, I will not disappoint you,” Assoumani, wearing a green and yellow sash, said at a ceremony in a stadium in the capital Moroni. The former army officer added that, “After this inauguration, I invite civil society, the opposition and all political actors to put aside differences in favour of peace and democracy”.
Sunday’s ceremony ushered President Azali to his fourth term in office. Since the proclamation of the results that gave 63% of the vote to the incumbent, his opponents’ claim the election were marred by mass rigging, ballot stuffing, voting being ended before the official closing time and violence. The electoral commission and the government denied the claims. However, one person was killed and at least 25 injured in violent protests that...



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