“These Children Are Exposed To Dangers”
- Par Brenda YUFEH
- 11 juil. 2024 12:09

Henri Nyambi III Dikosso, Chief of Programme “Social Protection of the Child”, at the Ministry of Social Affairs.
This is the holiday period, and many kids are seen selling goods along the streets. Is this supposed to be considered a danger to their protection?
Indeed. We see kids hawking the streets with foodstuffs to sell. The national community and especially families should be aware of the dangers these children could run into when hawking the streets at an early age, even if it is vacation time. These children are exposed to abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation. The national community and especially families should be aware of the dangers children could encounter when they send them to hawk the streets at very tender age. While in the streets, all alone, these kids are exposed to many dangers which could affect their physical and psychological wellbeing. Some of these children could even be kidnapped or killed.
According to the law, what is considered as the major threats to the protection of children in relation to work?
When children experience insidious forms of physical violence, economic or sexual abuse, psychological violence and excessive demands disproportionate to the child's age with serious consequences on their physical and psychological development. This usually happens in every country, and in the places children should be most protected-their homes, schools and communities. In many cases, children suffer at the hands of the people they trust. Physical abuse, emotional, and sexual abuse and neglect can cause long-term damage to a child's physical and mental health.
What measures has the Ministry taken to ensure that children are protected from jobs that abuse their rights during holiday period?
We are laying emphasis on raising awareness while empowering communities through the implementation o...
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