FENASCO B Yaounde IV: Ekounou, Kondengui 1B Are Winners

The closing ceremony of the competition took place in Yaounde on Friday February 14, 2025.

It was an exceptional day at the sports complex of Institute Petou in the Awae neigbourhood in Yaounde on Friday, February 14, 2025. The event was the closing ceremony of the FENASSCO B Games in the Yaounde IV Subdivision. Organised by the Inspectorate of Basic Education of the Yaounde IV Subdivision, the competition brought together sports delegations from the Subdivision. As early as 8:00 a.m. athletes queued in the playground of the institute to collect medals won during the competition. The athletes competed in several sports disciplines notably athletics, basketball, badminton, judo, wrestling, gymnastics, football, futsal and volleyball among others. The arrival of the representative of the Divisional Officer of the Yaounde IV Subdivision, Ze Aristide gave the kick off of the event. It all began with a march past of the different delegations. This was followed by a march past of the different delegations. The point of attraction of the day was the final of the men’s handball final between Government Primary School 1 B and Amasia Primary School. The two sides put up remarkable performances. At the end of the game, Government Primary School Kondengui 1B emerged winner beating Amasia 5-4. In the women’s football final, Government Primary School Ekounou beat Government Primary School Nkolndongo 2-1. In the men’s football final, Government Primary School Nkoldongo beat Government Primary School Nkomo 3-0. The trophy for Fair Play went to EPS Ngayap. Ze Aristide expressed satisfaction with the organization of the...



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