21st Motorised Infantry Brigade : Colonel Enye’e Meka Takes Command

He was installed on March 6, 2025 in Buea by Brigadier General Eba Eba Bede Benoit, Commander of the 2nd Joint Military Region.

The leadership of the 21st Motorised Infantry Brigade (BRIM) with headquarters in Buea is now overseen by Colonel Enye’e Meka Manuel. He was commissioned into the function at Bongo Square Buea on March 6, 2025, by the Commander of the 2nd Joint Military Region, Brigadier General Eba Eba Bede Benoit, who represented the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence. The ceremony was witnessed among others by the Commander of the 2nd Gendarmerie Region, Brigadier General Ekongwese Divine Nnoko and South West Regional Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai.  Colonel Enye’e Meka took over from Colonel Onambele Louis who served in that capacity for three years four months. He gained promotion in the Military Headquarters in Yaounde as Controller of Army. 
While installing Colonel Enye’e Meka, Brigadier General Eba Eba instructed all military personnel serving in the 21st Motorised Infantry Brigade to respect the orders of their new military commander for the good of service. He highlighted the key role played by BRIM in protecting the population and their property and ensuring that Cameroon territorial integrity remains intact in the wake of the sociopolitical crisis in the South West Region. He specifically reminded the new commander of the 21st BRIM of the instructions of hierarchy on the protection of Akwaya Subdivision its people and their properties. 
He expressed gratitude to Colonel Onambele for battling insecurity in the region where the climate is becoming more and more conducive. 
The Commander of the 2nd Military Region with seat in Douala said Colonel Enye’e Meka is taking ...



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