State Institutions : Traditional Rulers Pledge Unflinching Support

Custodians of culture from the South West and West Regions were received by the Prime Minister Head of Government in two separate audiences yesterday March 19, 2025.

Working to maintain peace and order in their respective communities, as well as encouraging respect for republican institutions incarnated by the President of the Republic are the two main points voiced by traditional rulers from the South West and West Regions, received by the Prime Minister Head of Government, Joseph Din Ngute on March 19, 2025. 
Those from the South West constituted the new executive of the South West Chief Conference, elected in Limbe on February 22, 2025. Led by its President, Chief Dr. Mokobe Amadou John, they signalled their determination to work for the return of sustainable peace and development in the region. “The objective of the meeting is to first of all show ourselves to the Prime Minister, show him the support that we have for the institutions that he has been confined with and to express our confidence to the leadership of the Head of State while pledging our unflinching support to him and our continuous determination to the principles he incarnates,” the custodian of culture stated.  As concerns their mandate, the President of the South West Chiefs Conference noted that they intend to achieve a full return to peace in the region, leave an emblem through the construction of a cultural and heritage centre for the region and complete earmarked projects for the wellbeing of the population. 
As concerns the upcoming Presidential election, Chief Dr. Mokobe A...



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