Yaounde 1 Council : Pedagogic Proximity Campaign To Curb Covid-19
- Par Brenda
- 28 mai 2020 12:33

The mayor of the municipality has created a committee which carries out a door-to- door campaign to educate the population on the deadly pandemic.
“Do not play with the Coronav irus pandemic better known as Covid-19. It is a deadly virus and the world is being affected by the virus. Many people are dying. Do not expose yourself to the virus. If you are exposed to the virus and you become infected, you might infect your entire family and this might lead to death. Be careful. Take care of yourself by ensuring the strict observance of the regularly stated rules of hygiene, which are structured around the washing of hands with clean running water and soap or use an alcohol-based solution; covering the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing or using a bent elbow; wearing face mask in public, maintaining social dis- tancing of at least 1.5 metres and above all, stay at home as much as possible.” This is the message, the Mayor of Yaounde I, Jean Marie Abouna and his team, is telling inhabitants of his municipality in a door-to-door campaign to educate and empower the population in a bid to prevent the Coronavirus. Jean Marie Abouna tells Cameroon Tribune that at the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, he created a committee to follow-up campaigns against Covid-19. The committee is out to sensitise, mobilise and accompany the population to effectively apply the 20 preventive measures put in place by the Head of State to fight Covid-19. From the Emana neighbourhood to Etoudi, Mballa I, II, III, going to Bastos, Etoa-Meki, Nkol-Eton, Ntougou and Nyom neighbourhoods in the Yaounde I Municipality, Jean Marie Abouna and his team have met inhabitants at their homes with the true gospel against Covid-19. The Mayor says they meet the population in their homes, discuss with them on the stakes at hand as far as Covid-19 is concerned. By the time they are going out of home, they already know what to do as far as preventing the Coronavirus is concerned. During the door-to-door cam- paigns, the Chief of Service of the Environment and Hygiene at the Yaounde I Council, André Ma...
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