Illegal Logging : Gains, Challenges Of New Monitoring Mechanism
- Par Kimeng Hilton
- 05 août 2023 15:09

“Forêts et Développement Rural,” FODER and partner associations on Friday, August 4, 2023 held a press conference in Yaounde on promoting transparency in the Cameroon forestry sector.
“We held the press conference to present to the public the efforts so far made by Cameroon to sustainably manage its forests. As the civil society, we join government in its ceaseless efforts to ensure that the forestry sector remains a national economic driver as well as assures the improvement of the livelihoods of forest community people,” explained Justin Kamga, Coordinator of “Forêts et Développement Rural,” FODER association. He spoke in Yaounde on August 4, 2023 at a press conference on “Promoting transparency in the Cameroon forestry sector by popularizing the Open Timber Portal and implementing independent monitoring,” OPT-OI-CAM project.
In Support Of MINFOF
FODER and some civil society organizations have since 2015 joined efforts to fight illegal logging in support of what the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, MINFOF is already doing. “We have been filing complaints with MINFOF against presumed illegal logging activities, and they have been responding. This is encouraging because it shows that we are working together,” Kamga stressed. These achievements were garnered thanks to the Standardized National System for Independent External Monitoring, SNOIE mechanism of checkmating illegal logging.
Boosting State Revenues, Improving Governance
From 2017-2022, a total of 76 monitoring mission reports on alleged illegal logging were lodged with MINFOF. Some 16 of the complaints concerned the Centre Region, 20 the South Region, 7 the Littoral Region and 33 the East Region. Several of these complaints received favourable responses from MINFOF after verification and sanctioning of the concerned logging companies. “This shows that MINFOF has a listening ear to the fight for enhanced forest governance. Which in turn boosts State revenue, ensures sustainable forest management and improved livelihoods for local people,” Kamga commented.
According to him, fighting illegal forest exploitation is for the good of everyone. “We are trying to protect what remains of our forests. By so doing, Cameroon also contributes to fighting the climate change crisis. And earns more revenue for the State, a non-significant contribution to Gross Domestic Product, GDP. We therefore commend the efforts of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife in fighting illegal logging,” Justin Kamga understood.
Litigations Against Logging Companies
The Standardized National System for Independent External Monitoring, SNOIE, was put in 2015 as an ISO 9001-2015 norm that assures quality management. This means the Independent External Monitoring reports produced after field visits are of high quality. They enable the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife to take legal action against wanting logging companies and also MINFOF officials.
Congo Brazzaville Beckons
“The system is quite good because it enables independent monitoring of logging activities through the production of high quality reports and strengthens relations with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. The Standardized National System for Independent External Monitoring has achieved much in Cameroon. It is about to be replicated in Congo Brazzaville where we have been invited by the government to share the experience,” Kamga told journalists, beaming with a smile. “SNOIE has great promise. We will continue to use it to chip in our contribution in the fight against illegal logging in Cameroon,” Kamga pledged.
Calling Ministry Of Justice
Chretien Belibi of “Ecosystemes et Development,” ECODEV Non-governmental Organization, which covers Mbam and Kim Division in the Centre Region, commended MINFOF for its prompt responses to complaints against illegal logging. He urged the Ministry of Justice to be more engaged in the fight against illegal logging.
MINFOF Staff Sanctioned
Henri Mevah of PAPEL Non-governmental Organization with activities in Upper Nyong Division of East Region, said as a result of the complaints they submitted, some MINFOF staff found to be involved in illegal logging were punished as well as some logging companies.
Logistics, Synergy Needed
Mevah listed the challenges faced as including difficult access to case files against erring logging companies, the non-transparent management of logging royalties by some communities, threats against whistle blowers, inadequate financing for monitoring illegal logging, and the lack of logistics by MINFOF field staff to transport impounded timber and logs. He said synergy needed to be ensured between stakeholders for sustainable management of forests to continue to take roots.
“Vente de coupe” Review Requested
On the other hand, Martin Biyong of CeDLA NGO based in Ocean Division of South Region also called for better logistics and financing for MINFOF field officials to up the fight against illegal logging. He urged the authorities to undertake a thorough review of the criteria for granting Sale of Standing Volume logging concessions (“Vente de coupe”) and step up legal action against erring logging companies. Noting that the fight against illegal logging concerns everyone.
Elie Blaise Pamboundem of CADDE NGO which operates in Mvila Division of South Region appealed for greater synergy of action between the Ministries of Justice, Transport, Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, and Forestry and Wildlife to conduct the fight against illegal logging. Adding that the role of the media was crucial.
Collusion With Community People
Responding to questions from journalists, Henri Mevah said the civil society only acts in support. And that it was MINFOF’s duty to take legal action against logging firms after verifying the complaints made against them by the civil society. He said wherever there were cases of community collusion in illegal logging, there were always people of integrity in ...
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