FENASSCO “League B” Games : West Region Emerges Champions

The 17th edition of the competition rounded off in Bafoussam on Thursday June 13, 2024.


The finals of the National Federation of School Sports FENASSCO “League B Games” that ended in Bafoussam, were presided over by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Professor Narcisse Mouelle Kombi in the company of the Secretary of State for Basic Education, Dr. Asheri Kilo Fufong and Governor Awa Fonka Augustine who headed the organizing committee.
In his closing speech, Minister Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, described the national FENASSCO Games as an event linking the youths from all over the national territory, for physical exercise and body development. He said the FENASSCO Games that President Paul Biya has encouraged and supported in various forms has increased the pace of progress in achieving peace, national unity, institutional integration and living together. Prof. Mouelle Kombi thanked the members of the organising committee, headed by Governor Awa Fonka, for making the event have such a prestigious and successful end. He encouraged the athletes to continue with the good sporting spirits by working hard, so that in future they will be able to defend the interest and national colours internationally. He announced that the 2025 FENASSCO B Games will take place in Limbe in the South West Region.
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