Senate : Civil Aviation, Social Security Bills Tabled
- Par Eulalia AMABO
- 22 juin 2022 11:01

The Senior Vice President of the House, Aboubakary Abdoulaye chaired the plenary sitting on June 21, 2022.
A total of four bills were on June 21, 2022 tabled for scrutiny at the Senate. The Senior Vice President of the House, Aboubakary Abdoulaye presided at the plenary sitting. The four bills relate to the civil aviation and the social security domains. Already adopted at the National Assembly, the legal instruments have been forwarded to the Senate in accordance with Article 30 of the Constitution.
The first of the four bills to be tabled seeks to authorise the President of the Republic to ratify the revised Constitution of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), adopted in Dakar, Senegal on December 16, 2009. Another legal instrument brought before Senators, prays the President of the Republic to ratify the Multilateral Convention on social security of the Inter-African Conference on Social Security (CIPRES) adopted in Senegal in February 2006. Ratifying the bill, the document states, will enable Cameroon which for several years has been committed to social security reforms, to continue seeking to optimise its social security system so as to align with international standards. It adds that Cameroonian migrant workers, their families and where applicable, their survivors shall enjoy better social protection in the other signatory African States, especially as concerns sickness benefits, family and maternity benefits, and benefits for work accidents and occupational diseases.
The third bill authorises the President of the Republic to ratify the Protocol relating to an amendment to Article 50 (a) of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO) signed in Canada on October 6, 2016. Initially composed of 21 members, subsequent amendments to Article 50 (a) of the said Protocol brought the ICAO Council me...
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