Bamenda : Massive Turn Out, Thrilling Activities

The 40th edition of the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2025 was celebrated with pomp and pageantry in the North West regional capital, Bamenda.

Administrative, religious and traditional authorities in the North West regional capital, Bamenda, on March 8, 2025 joined thousands of women to celebrate the 40th edition of the International Women’s Day at the Commercial Avenue Grandstand.  The celebration was presided at by North West Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique in the presence of among others some parliamentarians from of the region.
“We have all witnessed the huge mobilization of the women beginning with the launching ceremony of the week’s activities in Ndop. Women in the region are all celebrating their week with a lot of mobilization,” Governor Lele Lafrique said at the end of festivities in the Bamenda Commercial Avenue Grandstand. To the resilient and committed women of the North West Region, Governor Lele Lafrique said, “I will like to thank the women who have taken the lead to bring back peace to our beloved region. They have shown to the whole nation today that they are there and that we can count on them for rebuilding back better our beloved nation.” He reiterated government’s support for the respect of the rights of the women and emphasized their role in the education of children to respect the values of peace and patriotism. The Governor stressed on the importance of the celebration theme, “For all women and girls: rights, equality and power.”
The key highlights of the celebration were the award of prizes to some outstanding female staff of the Bamenda Regional Hospital and winning teams in some sporting activities that took place leading up the celebration D-Day. The most thrilling part of the celebration was the march past with the Govern...



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